ValueFlows Vocabulator

This is a demo for the Value Flows vocabulary.
Create your examples, generate Linked Open Data in several formats using the vf:concepts.
As of now, only Agents, AgentRelationships, and Processes are generated below.
But all currently released concepts can be modeled, including Resources, Actions, and EconomicEvents,
and all of those appear in the process flow trees and diagrams.
Agents: turtle json-ld json yaml n3 n-triples rdf+xml
Agent Relationships: turtle json-ld json yaml n3 n-triples rdf+xml
Processes: turtle json-ld json yaml n3 n-triples rdf+xml
Depending on the browser you are using, as well as the default browser on your device, if it is different, some of these formats will open in your browser, and some will download a file.